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Reynols "Sinti Botuva Tapes"

Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Public tickets not available

Sunday, June 16 at 7:30PM

Reynols "Sinti Botuva Tapes"

124 S 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11249, USA

Public tickets not available
SUNDAY, JUNE 16 – 7:30 PM
Acourtis from Reynols in person for Q&A! (This event is $10.)

dir. Various, 2018.
Various, 81 min.

Screening to celebrate the release of the boxset REYNOLS “MINECXIO EMANATIONS 1993-2018” on Picadisk.

“SINTI BOTUVA TAPES” compiles videos of Argentine cult band REYNOLS. The band started in Buenos Aires in 1993 and it integrates Down Syndrome drummer Miguel Tomasín along with guitarists Roberto Conlazo and Alan Courtis, The film shows a diversity of live concerts and various activities over a period more than 25 years.

The film includes:

1. Saludo Vincher Vinchas (Dir. Miguel Mitlag)
2. Colegio Cristoforo Colombo, 1994 (Dir. A.Ruiz and unknown)
3. No Music Festival, The Tonic, New York 2001 (Dir. Mike Shiflet)
4. Flesh Sound Bs. As.,1999 (Reynols selected archives)
5. Somewhere near Kingston, New York, 2001 (Dir. Mike Shiflet)
6. Papagayos en la luz, Flesh Sound, Bs.As., 2001 (Reynols selected archives)
7. O’Hara Mansion, Ohio, 2001 (Dir. Reynols)
8. Fusa, Bs.As., 2001 (Reynols selected archives)
9. Lo Pawe Recy Plays Norway (Dir. Tom Løberg)
10. Camio Flatdas (Dir. Reynols)
11. Lor Nindio Pepelacho in Brussels (Dir. Christophe Piette)
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