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Kris Kuldkepp / Heather Stebbins / Thomas Zamroz

Saturday, January 7, 2023 at 7:00 PM

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available

Saturday, January 7 at 7PM

Kris Kuldkepp / Heather Stebbins / Thomas Zamroz

6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012, USA

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available
Saturday January 7 * 7pm * TICKETS

Kris is a Hamburg-based Estonian free improviser performing on double bass, bass guitar, and electronics. She is a feminist performer and artist currently completing doctoral studies at the Hamburg University of Applied Science and Hamburg University of Music and Drama. She is a research fellow in the Kinetics in Sound and Space research group focusing on spatial sound, free improvised music, and posthumanism. She is an active soloist and ensemble performer and has performed at festivals such as StimmeX, Blurred Edges Festival, Piksel, Tallinn Music Week, and Estonian Music Days. In addition to her solo work Kris has several collaborative projects, such as Double Bird free improvisation quartet (with Lorena Izquerdo: voice, Aziz Lewandowski: cello, and Felix Mayer: trombone); the quartet EMN (with Christoph Funabashi: guitars, Felix Mayer: trombone, Heiner Metzger: clarinets, sound table, objects) concentrating on performing graphic scores and performative compositions, and the duo Bad Groupy (with Jeff Surak) which explores improvised and constructed sound art. Kris is a close collaborator of opera director Lisa Pottstock with whom she develops feminist performances focusing on finding new ways of dealing with body, materiality, and sound. She has given various lectures and workshops on interactive audio technology as well as improvisation. She is a co-curator of the Biannual International Symposium on Sonic Art and Spatial Audio KLINGT GUT! KLG in Hamburg, Germany.

Heather Stebbins is a sound artist who makes sparkly, gritty, and pressing music for instruments and electronics. She is an Assistant Professor of Music at George Washington University, where she teaches electronic and computer music. Find her work on

Thomas Zamroz is a student composer of electronic and electroacoustic music. He blends musical form and timbre to make ambient electronic music. Performing on Semi-Modular synthesizer, he mixes analogue sounds and digital reverb effects to occupy a wide range of textures in physical space and time.
See his works @tzamroz on SoundCloud.
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