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Forget Why Poetry Series: Lynne Dreyer / Anna Gurton-Wachter / hannah baer

Saturday, February 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available

Saturday, February 11 at 7PM

Forget Why Poetry Series: Lynne Dreyer / Anna Gurton-Wachter / hannah baer

6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012, USA

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available
Saturday February 11 * 7pm * MASKS REQUIRED

From Baltimore, Lynne Dreyer has lived in the DC area for last 50 years. She began writing in 1970, encouraged by Rudd Fleming at the University of Maryland, and, over the years, was supported by so many about writing even when not writing. Publications include: chapbooks– Lamplights Used to Feed the Deer (Some of Us Press), Stampede (EEL Press), StepWork (Tuumba Press), the Letters (Tottles Magazine)--and a couple of longer books–The White Museum, and The Under Arc published by Roof Press and Primary Writing Books. Finally again, working on the usual, some prose called Words Fly Out.

Anna Gurton-Wachter is a writer, editor and archivist. She is the author of Utopia Pipe Dream Memory (ugly duckling presse) as well as seven chapbooks, most recently My Midwinter Poem (clones go home). More info at /

hannah baer is a writer and therapist based in New York. Her first book is the memoir trans girl suicide museum.
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