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Forget Why Poetry Series: Ken Jacobs & erica kaufman

Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 3:00 PM

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available

Saturday, October 14 at 3PM

Forget Why Poetry Series: Ken Jacobs & erica kaufman

6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012, USA

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available
Saturday October 14 * 3pm * TICKETS

Ken Jacobs is a poet living in DC. He is the author of Sooner (Phylum Press, 2009) and unmet (Primary Writing Books, 2015), and he’s built digital projects available at that invite collaboration with other poets.

poet, writer, and teacher, erica kaufman, is the author of three books of poetry: POST CLASSIC, INSTANT CLASSIC (both from Roof Books), and censory impulse (Factory School). she is co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards and a collection of archival pedagogical documents, Adrienne Rich: Teaching at CUNY, 1968–1974. recent poems can be found in Ursula and e-flux. kaufman's prose, focused on contemporary feminist poetics and pedagogy, appears in: The Color of Vowels: New York School Collaborations; Approaches to Teaching the Works of Gertrude Stein; The Supposium: Thought Experiments & Poethical Play in Difficult Times; Urgent Possibilities, Writings on Feminist Poetics & Emergent Pedagogies; Reading Experimental Writing; and The Difference is Spreading: Fifty Contemporary Poets on Fifty Poems. ). in collaboration with the Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania, kaufman co-coordinates the Teacher Resource Center for Modern and Contemporary American Poetry, a course offered each fall as a MOOC (massive online open course). she is the director of the Bard College Institute for Writing & Thinking where she is also Writer-in-Residence.
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