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Introduction to Analog Video Signals and Systems (with Andrei Jay!)

Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

$20 - $30
Online tickets not available

Sunday, December 10 at 7PM

Introduction to Analog Video Signals and Systems (with Andrei Jay!)

Brooklyn, NY, USA

$20 - $30
Online tickets not available
A very special Intro to Analog Signals led by guest Andrei Jay. This course will cover some of the basics of working with analog NTSC video signal systems. This will be held as a continuously interactive Lab environment with a wide range of video cameras, video mixers, video processors, and CRT and LCD displays set up for exploring different techniques for using real time video signals for creative purposes! No prerequisite knowledge of anything required to have a good time. This workshop will run from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.

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