Video Art Boot Camp is week long course covering all the logistics of live video performance using analog video gear & video feedback. Anyone with any experience level is welcome to sign up. The goal is to have a finished short video art piece recorded by the end of the camp. This course is led by Andrei Jay (ex.zee.ex @
Who is this class for?
Anyone who wants to get more experience working with analog video mixers, analog video signals, video synthesis, video feedback, and live video performance.
What do we do in this class?
We start from the basics: feedback chains with cameras, monitors, and mixers, and then work our way up to planning and composition, live performance, and finally capturing our analog video signals and creating a finished video art piece.
How is each session organized?
session 1 & 2 : gear basics:
-cameras & monitors, different kinds of sensors, different kinds of displays, how they affect feedback and how they affect signals in general.
-processors, enhancers, and proc amps
-mixers: internal feedback, more complex video fx, keying and wipes
-how to plug everything in, how to rearrange and reconfigure your setup
session 3: assembling your setup:
-everyone will choose the equipment they’d like to use for their rig.
-talk about how to map out signal flows. taking notes on ins and outs, fx documentation etc
-talk about how to map out a video performance
session 4: practice time! set up your rig and figure out some different modes you can move into. goal here is to get some documentation that you can use to map out how you’d like your final recording to go. at the end of this session everyone will give a short demo and walkthrough of how they intend to use their rig.
session 5: everyone records their final piece
SHARE NIGHT - optional post class get together where everyone can share their finished artworks
As you can see, it will be very important to make it to each one of these sessions. Please do not sign up if you aren't able to make it to each session.
The January 2023 schedule is
session 1: Wednesday January 3rd 8-11pm
session 2: Thursday January 4th 8-11pm
session 3: Friday January 5th 8-11pm
session 4: Saturday January 6th 8-11pm
session 5: Sunday January 7th 8-11pm
- Once you submit this RSVP you will receive an email with the address and further instructions -- if you don't see it in your inbox, try searching for 'withfriends' or 'wavefield' because often times emails that are send by withfriends can end up in a promotions or spam folders.