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Red Emma's Book Club

Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 12:00 PM

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Sunday, February 25 at 12PM

Red Emma's Book Club

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Join us for our first-ever Red Emma's Book Club discussion! We'll be chatting about January's selection, THE GOOD DIE YOUNG: THE VERDICT ON HENRY KISSINGER, with special guest Christy Thornton, whose work is featured in the book.

If the American foreign policy establishment is a grand citadel, Henry Kissinger is the specter haunting its dusty hallways. For half a century, he was an omnipresent figure in war rooms and at press briefings, dutifully shepherding the American empire through successive attempts at expansion. For multiple generations of antiwar activists, Kissinger personified the depravity of the US war machine. THE GOOD DIE YOUNG, edited by Rene Rojas, Bhaskar Sunkara and Jonah Walters, assesses a career too frequently applauded in essays from respected scholars and journalists such as Gerald Horne, Carolyn Eisenberg, and Chip Gibbons, with an introduction from Bancroft Prize–winner Greg Grandin.

The world Kissinger wrought is one we live in today, where ideal investment conditions are generated from the barrel of a gun. Today, global capitalism and United States hegemony are underwritten by the most powerful military ever devised. Any political vision worth fighting for must promise an end to the cycle of never-ending wars afflicting the world in the twenty-first century. Breaking that cycle means placing the twin evils of capitalism and imperialism in our crosshairs.

The book follows Kissinger’s fiery trajectory across the globe, covering Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. More than any other public figure, the life and career of this man illustrate the links between capitalism, empire, and the feedback loop of endless conflict that plagues us today.
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