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Forget Why Poetry Series: Rod Smith / Cathy Eisenhower / Leslie Bumstead

Saturday, February 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available

Saturday, February 17 at 7PM

Forget Why Poetry Series: Rod Smith / Cathy Eisenhower / Leslie Bumstead

6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012, USA

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available
Saturday February 17 * 7pm * $10-20

Rod Smith is the author of Touché (Wave, 2015), Deed (U. Iowa, 2007), Music or Honesty (Roof, 2003), and The Good House (Spectacular Books, 2001). He edits the journal Aerial, publishes Edge Books, and manages Bridge Street Books in Washington, DC. He has taught at The Iowa Writers' Workshop, The Maryland Institute College of Art, and The Corcoran College of Art + Design. Smith edited The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley (U. Cal Press, 2014) with Kaplan Harris and Peter Baker.

Cathy Eisenhower lives and works as a psychotherapist in Washington, DC, and is the author of Language of the Dog-heads (Phylum 2001), clearing without reversal (Edge 2008), would with and (Roof 2009), distance decay (Ugly Duckling 2015), and animalitos (Primary Writing 2017). She has translated the selected poems of Argentine poet Diana Bellessi and co-curates a reading series at Rhizome DC. Her work has appeared in The Recluse, Aufgabe, West Wind Review, The Brooklyn Rail, and Fence.
Leslie Bumstead is the author of Cipher/Civilian (Edge Books 2005). Her work has appeared in Open Letters, Boog City, Hotel Amerika, West Wind Review, and elsewhere. She teaches writing at Rhizome DC and in Maryland prisons.
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