Jon Starks will take Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson's place tonight.
Fire Over Heaven begins a new season on October 17th, with a fantastic "double solo" bill of Henry Fraser and Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson. One of the best double bassists presently working in the city, Fraser's deep tone and sensitive instincts as an improviser have made him an in demand collaborator with everyone from Isabel Crespo Pardo's sinonó to Sam Weinberg to Ka Baird and low end theorists Nepenthae. He'll be celebrating the release of a new solo record with the help of another fantastic soloist, vibraphonist/trombonist/conceptualist Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson. Frequently a leader of large ensembles that mine the political histories and potentialities of the big band format from a distinctly present tense perspective, Johnson's solo performances are like intimate distillations of the same concepts. No less impressive for their dynamic range and unexpected shifts, as explosions of trombone or mallet percussion may turn on a dime to give way to the voice or scraps of audio played from her phone at any moment. Please join us as we start a new season. We'll be continuing with our monthly third Thursdays calendar with a great series of shows co-organized by Lesley Mok, Che Chen and Ian Douglas-Moore.