Withfriends makes it easy for small businesses to offer memberships. If you made your purchase on Eventbrite, Shopify, Square, or Squarespace, YOUR PURCHASE HAS BEEN COMPLETED! For other purchases, please come back in 30 minutes.
The Withfriends server provider (Linode) has posted an issue at their data centers here: https://status.linode.com/ - Withfriends will be back in operation when the service provider resolves the incident.
21:35, Nov 10 UTC
The service provider continues to have an incident, but it appears to be no longer affecting Withfriends.
Our server system (Linode) has initiated an emergency migration, in progress. It should resolve by approximately 3pm Eastern Time. We apologize for this inconvenience.
18:23, Jul 22 UTC
The server system has completed their emergency maintenance.