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Blood Worm Full Moon Circle

Friday, March 14 at 8:00 PM

$5 - $10
Online tickets not available

Friday, March 14 at 8PM

Blood Worm Full Moon Circle

6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012, USA

$5 - $10
Online tickets not available
Friday March 14 * 8pm * in the backyard * $5-10 suggested (you can enter $0 when prompted for the amount to RSVP without donating)

Blood Worm Full Moon Circle
Winter is thawing, and critters are stirring up through the soil! The Blood Worm Moon is one of many names for the full moon of March, all of which denote natural phenomena observed in nature around us. As the earth moves, so do we -- the transition from the long winter and into the spring can stir our own spirits, too. Join us in communing with Blood Worm Moon, learn how moons help us sync with nature in body, mind and spirit, and reflect on what you're letting go of as we move into the next moon cycle.

This is an outdoor event in the yard. Guests will be invited to use optical instruments to view the sky and partake in reflection-based activities as an individual and as a group. Guests are encouraged to bring a notebook, something to write with, and a lawn chair if you have it. This event involves use of fire, either with candles or the fire pit, and burning of natural materials.

Cost: $5-10, pay what you can
Date/time: Fri Mar 14, 8-10pm
Raindate/time: Sun Mar 16, 8-10pm
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