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Czonka / Eleagnus / Swoll

Friday, March 21 at 7:00 PM

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available

Friday, March 21 at 7PM

Czonka / Eleagnus / Swoll

6950 Maple St NW, Washington, DC 20012, USA

$10 - $20
Online tickets not available
Friday March 21 * doors at 630, music at 7 * $10-20

Czonka is an instrumental drums+bass+synth duo from the DC area whose debut album is now available at Their music is a high-energy mix of art-punk and prog-rock styles along the lines of Battles, Trans Am, Holy Fuck, Can, and a little Primus thrown in for fun.

Eleagnus is currently a 3 piece band that blends punk rock with experimental dance, slam poetry, art rock and Psychedelic rock.

Swoll is the minimal bass-centric electronic project of Matt Dowling (The Effects, Paperhaus, Deleted Scenes). Matt started working with Benjamin Schurr (Br'er/Blight Records) on a series of sparse, melancholic yet hooky new songs. Utilizing limitations as a compositional tool, the duo focused on a spare palate of old drum machines, bass, and haunting synths.
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