Rhizome’s Remote Artist-in-Residence Yusuf Misdaq will kick off his nightly Open Studios on Rhizome’s Instagram Live feed - Weds April 15 at 830pm - @rhizome_dc
Subsequent sessions will take place on Yusuf’s feed @y_misdaq Nightly from April 16-April 24
Having always been hyper aware of his own processes and their effect on his final artworks (be they writing, music or other media) Yusuf’s open-studio sessions will display and celebrate the power of the creative moment (far beyond hollow cliches about the importance of ‘the process,’ or ‘the journey’). As Yusuf continues intensely creating through an almost devotional art practice (working consistently on an upcoming music project, short story collection, and other visual arts) - you’re invited to join him via instagram live in his home studio, either as a fly on the wall, or an active participant, asking questions and taking part in engaging conversations. No topics are off-limits, and together the intention is that we come away with a deeper understanding of what role art and art practice can play at this strange, evolving time.
Here is one way to watch on a computer without an Instagram account:Use Google Chrome as your browser. Add the IG Stories for Instagram extension, available here:
tinyurl.com/vgnuy9g (Click the blue "Add to Chrome" button.) Then visit
instagram.com/rhizome_dc/live -- please note that this link will only work when there is a live video happening.
Donations made here will go to Yusuf.